Weird alpaca that can do anything.
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Age 32, Male

draw/sound person

Joined on 5/25/18

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My proposal for the next Newgrounds slogan

Posted by IVELI-ALPACA - November 17th, 2022


Every time a site goes nuclear, everyone's saying "oh woe, where to go?" and I always reply "Head to Newgrounds, you stinkin' dumbo." Yes this is about Twitter melting down and Tumblr still not allowing NSFW (so why bother).

Brain droppings and unhinged alpaca ranting ahead

I feel the modus operandi of modern internet is to discourage people from interacting, contrary to how connected everything and everyone is, and how much interaction is encouraged. One part of it I think is everyone gets so saturated with everyone else, no one is able to form bonds, and when they do, they're superficial at best, apathetic at worst. I forget the exact science, but I heard a human can only have about 100 relationships with other humans. Taking into account my friends (love you all), colleagues, clients, coworkers, mutual Discord server members, people I follow on Twitter, channels I'm subscribed to on YouTube, and every other connection I'm forgetting, I wonder how much empathy disk space I have left.

I don't believe it's intentional or malicious; I associate it to when we first discovered smoking isn't good for your lungs, and eventually gives you cancer.

I do still hope this site continues to develop. In 4 years my opinion on it has completely flipped and I urge everyone I know to come here. With a few key improvements, I feel people would flock here in droves.

Also!!!!! I have very cool things lined up. It's quite possibly some of my best work yet, and I can't wait to show you all.




Haha, it's not quite as catchy, but the way things are going NG might soon be the only website that's actually good (assuming it isn't that way already), so it's very relevant.

def agree with ur point on social media discouraging actual interactions- it's built for quick dopamine hits rather than anything substantial. i think it provides the illusion of friends/popularity through mutuals and follower counts, but with the fast pace of social media how much do you actually TALK to these people, you know? likes and retweets are nice but they arent /friendship/ and a lot can get lost in the surge of information.

And don't even get me started on parasocial relationships.

"everything by everyone from everywhere!"