
4 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This heavily makes me think of some turn-based tactics game, like you're commanding a team of mechs, tanks and helicopters against some big mean mechs, tanks, and helicopters. Lots of big heavy cannons and 5-megaton punches.

baryiscool responds:

Massive tanks !!

This definitely sounds like you've punched through the big destroyer ship's hull, and now you're making your way through the innards to destroy the core. But, the self-defense system is attacking you and blasting you with wicked sick lasers and rockets.

I adore that growly synth voice you did in this. How did you achieve it? Also thanks for the info on the Hydra plugin, I've been looking for something like it for a while.

Lashmush responds:

The vocal synth is done in Serum. Using a "Vocal" synth sample from an xpack, I automated a shift in the WT Pos dial so I could control the "voice" movement for any given trigger in the song. I also added some very light LFO movement to make it more natural-sounding on top of the automation.

Sounds straight out of a shmup, like Raiden, DoDonPachi or Ketsui. Very energetic and with some good melody to it.

ctr34 responds:

Thanks! My favorite shmups are Gradius and Touhou Project.

I can definitely picture this during an opening cinematic set to a narrator describing the world, nations, and conflicts. Then it introduces your character, and your mission, with the song ending just before you take control. At 1:49 the narrator's like "Great challenges will bar your path, and mysteries untold lie in hiding, waiting to strike with unknowable truths. Who will you meet? What will you learn? Are you ready for what may come? Whatever your answer, face them head on, and steel your will." Then 2:17, "The journey begins, with the first step."

ClockbeatAdelony87 responds:

Thank you!

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